Thursday 6 June 2013

Define Me

You define me as the Almighty.
You define me as the Supreme Self.
But do you know
Who I really am?
You search in the dark corners
For me.
You chant hymns so that
I may appear before you.
But think; you have left out a place,
A sanctum.
Within you, I rest;
I’m with you from birth till death.
Do you want to know
Who I really am?
I’m a figment
No, I’m more than a figment
I’m a part of your subconscious
Which tells you
What’s right and what’s wrong.
I’ve defined myself to you
Now, you define me.

The Limelight

The paparazzi pursued a figure,
A thespian.
She was dazzling in her outfit,
The flash bursts made her look literally like a star;
The star-struck people gathered around her
With placards and banners.
She had attained stardom.
But what I could see was her silhouette,
Coz I couldn’t find her genuine self.
The glare of publicity had covered up
Her own self.
Should this be the attitude?
She fails to realize that the Limelight
Lives short.